
BU/FBE is responsible for the general coordination, steering and advancement of existing PhD and/or Masters level graduate programs in 15 science and engineering areas and 4 engineering sub-areas. BU/FBE is also responsible for the design and development of new graduate programs in science and engineering.

The mission of BU/FBE is "supporting and coordinating scientific research and graduate education (in English language) in the key and pioneering areas of science and engineering, while deploying the most advanced techniques and equipment, following and contributing to the latest scientific publications and in cooperation with the international academic and scientific community".

11 areas under BU/FBE are "single discipline" areas attached to the associated 11 academic departments, while 4 are "multi-disciplinary" areas each of which is managed under the cooperation of more than one single discipline department. Additionally, there are 4 masters programs in sub-areas covered by 4 of the single discipline departments.

The main management principle of BU/FBE is delegating most of the responsibility and execution regarding the main academic, research and administrative tasks such as, i) determination and revision of graduate academic programs, ii) design and development of new programs, iii) registration and delivery of courses, iv) execution and publication of research activities, v) planning, procurement and operation of research and teaching equipment and systems. In this context, BU/FBE assumes direct responsibility for coordination, control, approval, seeking new opportunities for teaching and research, information dissemination and support activities.

Boğaziçi Üniversity - Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering
34342 Bebek - Istanbul, Turkey - +90 212 359 7067

© 2023