Direct Transition to Ph.D. Programs

M.Sc. students who have completed their M.Sc. coursework with a GPA of at least 3.60 can apply for the direct transfer to a Ph.D. program with the same name. Students admitted through this procedure will continue their graduate studies as Ph.D. students without the need to write and defend a M.Sc. thesis.

Students, who wish to transfer to the Ph.D. program have to file a petition, which is evaluated by the relevant Department and successful candidates will be recommended to the Institute. The final decision on the acceptance to the Ph.D. program is made by the Executive Board of the Institute of Graduate Stides in Science and Engineering

Boğaziçi Üniversity - Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering
34342 Bebek - Istanbul, Turkey - +90 212 359 7067

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